Living the values: an example

Let’s say Company X has set as a strategic priority to better define its values, with the purpose of  reinforcing its marketing effort with an alignment between corporate and brand values. 4 top values are identified: humanity, respect, risk aversion, service.

Those values are then presented across the company. They are embodied in a marketing campaign which uses the human element as a key differentiator in the service provided by the company.

As the economic background worsens, the company has to restructure and is laying off 20% of the workforce. What can be a typical subject of conversation amongst employees: « If our most important value is about being human, why are we laying off people? »

It is all about the management’s attitude and its ability to truly live the values.

In this example, humanity does not mean not laying off but laying off in a human way. Here are a few examples of what management could do to illustrate this point:

– align the layoff programme with the values; bring special care to the way resources to be cut are chosen, balance objective criteria with personal situation of employees (age, dependants, etc.);

– be straightforward, share the decision in a respectful manner, give space for a discussion and assistance if required (outplacement, coaching, referrals, alumni program);

– take care of the employees that are still with the company (« the survivors ») and be open as well to their difficulties.

Business is business but any situation can be handled according to corporate values. Living those values in difficult times as well will only reinforce the corporate culture.

It will ultimately prove to employees and clients that the company does deliver on its promise.

Why internal corporate reputation is important?

Because it can help increase your sales. Rosa Chun’s IMD professor reports the results of an interesting study: sales tend to increase when employees’ view of a company exceed clients’ view of the company…it may sound counterintutive but it isn’t. After all, employees with a high opinion of the brand do promote the company in such a way that it has a real impact on rentability. That’s why I strongly encourage top managers to consider internal communication as a strategic internal function. It does not involve a lot of money but a strong will to listen, care and motivate human resources.

Link to Rosa Chun’s report: