Sakina Aubert, medical coach

Sakina Aubert | Medical coach

As a coach, I’m simply a catalyst for change. My mission is to help people and organizations navigate change with serenity and awareness.

What my clients appreciate most is my ability to coach them with compassion and pragmatism based on a holistic approach, taking into account body, emotions and mind to enable change and support their transformation.

What motivates me is the joy of sharing great experiences together and participating in your personal development and/or that of your organization. I work in a spirit of partnership and human exchange, based on trust and transparency, and I evolve in a spirit of respect and benevolent openness.

Does this sound interesting? Contact me!

What I can offer you

  • A pragmatic and personalized coaching, with calm, serenity and benevolence;

  • A holistic approach that targets the body, emotions and mind to bring about change;

  • An excellent understanding of professional issues, particularly those relating to interpersonal skills (communication, assertiveness, self-confidence, taking up a position);

  • The ability to offer specialized support on health-related issues, whether it’s to help you cope with a health condition (your own or that of a loved one) or in a professional context, with a view to prevention or resumption/pursuit of activity (stress management, burn-out, reintegration).

  • An excellent understanding of organizational dynamics in healthcare organizations, which enables me to support employees, managers and top executives within their system.


An ICF PCC professional coach with over 10 years’ experience and more than 2,500 hours of coaching, I specialize in health coaching (certified in 2022) and somatic coaching (certified in 2017); in addition, I practice and teach yoga and meditation. I work in English, French and German.

After studying management at the University of St. Gallen (lic. oec. HSG, Switzerland), I studied Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics (MSc. Social Anthropology + 2 years in the PhD program) and worked for over 15 years in management positions in Switzerland, Europe and the USA in banking, finance and real estate. I live with my children and husband in Geneva (Switzerland). What I enjoy most are the mountains, traveling, reading and real encounters, from heart to heart!

Licenses and certifications